Skills and Tools
Keys to Solutions: Systematics - Methods - Instruments
Feasibility and Potential
Potential Analysis
Potential Analysis derives the realistic development potential of a site, a region, a company or a business concept. For this Purpose, the following analysis tools are applied by AHP:
Structuring: Object, goals, path, incremental roadmap
Economic environment analysis: sector, actors, competition
Trend analysis
Market Research
Stakeholder- and expert interviews
Best Practice identification and suitability assessment
Profile-Matching - Spider-Diagrams
Techno-economic simulation
Strategy design
structured action-plan - Roadmap
Project management
Investment and R&D Projects
Effective project management ensures continuous monitoring of plan-reality deviations and supports focussing on the comprehensive project targets. This may include the following activity elements:
Structurierung: Objectives, tasks, contributors, resources, deadlines
Organization of the project consortium
Estimation of available resources (Budgeting)
Work agenda and schedule
conceptual Project development (R&D: Project outline)
Securing of subsidizability, grant proposal, grant management
Financing-model, financing Management
procurement: public Tenders
Cost-, time-, quality-controlling
Coordination of planners
Coordination of permit procedures
Coordination and survey of construction and supply
Continous survey of economic and financial viability
Continuous updating of project plan
Economic Viability and Risk
dynamic complete finance plan
Economic viability from an investor’s viewpoint is determined by means of DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) methodology and risk assessment inclusion. The principle model applied for this purpose is a generic dynamic business plan (“complete finance plan”). It consists of a time series stack of the standard financial accounting statements in combination with compatible planning sheets of financing transactions in excess of 20 cost centers and up to 50 accounting periods (e.g. years). Site, technology and case specific value creation processes, i.e. the dynamic development of revenues and cost over time of plant operations as a function of multiple input and boundary variables, are simulated in separate project specific calculation sheets (“project specific sub-models”)
Economic Viability and Risk
Risk Analysis
Investment or project risks are incurred by esitmation and prediction uncertainties (e.g. future energy prices, ECB basic interest rate, inflatuion, sales volumes, future standards and regulations etc.). In order to assess the impacts of these unvertainties upon the project's economic KPIs and to qwuantify the related investment risk the following methods are applied:
Sensitivity Analysis (of the dynamic economic model)
Szenario Analysis (base case, best case, worst case)
The results are risk measures in form of confidence intervals of the KPIs or probability percentiels of negative NPVs and the cumulative risk of equity loss.
The methodology is peer-reviewed and published in
Arnold, U., Yildiz, O. Economic risk analysis of decentralized renewable energy infrastructures – a Monte Carlo Simulation approach. Renewable Energy 2015, 77, 227-239
Financing and Organization
Financing Models
AHP develops financing and organization models, if classical pathways of project financing don't offer the wanted results. The following models have been tested and applied in the past:
(public-private-partnership models, if desired with separate ownership and operation Company) -
(private financing initiative with local stakeholders) -
Citizen foundation
The organization model is detailed by means of the relevant contracts (e.g. company statutes, service contracts). The financing model is represented by the complkete finance plan (see above).